Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

I just wanted to quickly post and wish everyone a very, very happy Turkey Day!

PS - Images taken from Funny Designs.


Diane said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

sage said...

happy thanksgiving V!

Ryan said...

I hope you carved up a fat bird and chewed on it's succulent meats.

Ryan said...

I hope you carved up a fat bird and chewed on it's succulent meats.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Happy late thanksgiving. While you think I'm four days late, in reality I'm 49 days late. Canadian thanksgiving is where its at.

D.O.M. Dan said...


I wanted to stop by and say Goodbye:)

LA said...

I hope you had a good one, V. Those are a couple funny graphics! ;)

norm said...

Norm enjoyed a harvest of locally grown cuisine. Hope you had a good one, V!!