And what's my bold prediction for 2008? The NE Patriots will NOT win the Super Bowl! (I will post a tad bit more later, but wanted to get this up for the time stamp on the comments.)
happy New Year V--the Steelers are out, the Bills were never in, I'll put in my time till the NCAA basketball tournment and hope that Carolina is still running strong.
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That's right folks; check the time stamp. The 16-0 Patriots will NOT win the Super Bowl.
V - from your blog to God's ears! Who do you think will win? I'm off soon to watch the Chargers hopefully beat the Titans . . .
So who do you think will win it, V?
Tom Brady deserves a long, boring life with his new horse of a girlfriend.
Could someone open a window? It's getting a little stuffy in here.
Happy New Year, V!
happy New Year V--the Steelers are out, the Bills were never in, I'll put in my time till the NCAA basketball tournment and hope that Carolina is still running strong.
Barb wanted to get her comment time-stamped, too!
Chargers by 4 . . . either that or Pats by 22
You were right!
I came back to see if you've been around and now see that you're a true prophet! The Patriots lost!
Good prediction, V! I hope you went to Vegas and put money on it.
Happy Chinese New Year.
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