Saturday, June 23, 2007

I can sees Lolcats

The internet is really a wonderful tool. From its birth, it has helped blossom numerous communities. People who share a common passion, interest, or activity can join together and communicate with each other, no matter where they are located geographically. And, of course, these communities are interconnected as some members join more than one community. In any case, what I am ineloquently trying to say is that it is no surprise word-of-mouth is quite effective across the internet. This of course has led to many internet trends or memes. I am no expert on this subject matter, not even close. Frankly, I'm a bit amazed how quickly these things spread and how strange some of them are. But I must admit there's a recent (well, recent to me) internet meme that I, a bit embarrassedly, find difficult to resist. They're called Lolcats. I'm guessing most of you reading this already know about them, but for those of you who are Lolcat newbies (as I was, a short while ago), there is no better way to learn about Lolcats then to check out this wonderful, informative slide-show essay on Lolcats in Slate.

More Links:
Lolcat Wikipedia Entry

PS - Who will be the first to admit that they have actually created a Lolcat (or Loldog)?

*Lolcat image from ICHC?


Diane said...

I admit to posting alot of photos of my dogs (and a couple of my gold fish) but I have not (yet) added any pidgin english captions . . .

Jay said...

I still chuckle at the sight of the one about the walrus and his bucket. It proves we really are simple creatures at heart...

Jenny said...

No, but I think I know what I'm doing with the rest of my weekend.....

GetFlix said...

You need to get a real cat, V!!

NY KAT said...

They are extremely addicting!

D.O.M. Dan said...

I have never heard of a lolcat until I read this post, and after following the link you provided – I am informed, amused, and intrigued.

Ryan said...

They are the only reason I like cats.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

I've never heard of this, but now I feel I must find out more... I'm not even a cat person!

Princess in Galoshes said...

Super. Because I didn't have enough distractions at work, already.

Thanks, I'm now addicted.

v said...

Diane - I've seen some funny Loldogs, but I haven't seen a Lolgoldfish. You know you want to Diane. ;)

Blog Portland - Ha. I had no idea about the walrus and bucket meme/macro. For those curious, there's a website devoted to it:
The Complete Walrus Bucket Saga

Anon Boxer - Yeah, it's pretty hard to resist.

Getflix - I wonder if a real cat would really actually want a cheeseburger?

NY Kat - Yes they are.

D.O.M Dan - Welcome! Yeah, Lolcats, who knew?

Ryan - Yeah, I kinda agree. I am more of a dog person too. Welcome back to the bloghood by the by.

Mishy - Yeah, they are embarrasingly addictive. Be sure to check out some Loldogs and others as well. And if Diane plays along, a Lolgoldfish. (j/k Diane)

Prin G - No offense, but somehow I'm not too surprised you can't resist Lolcats.

LA said...

Lolcats are news to me, but I love 'em!

sage said...

Instead of a "lolcat" how about just a "big dog!"

I'll admit that I haven't heard about lolcats until you enlightened me to the conspiracy. This explains why I have seen so many of 'em.