Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I knew it!

If you don't read Slate you should ---

Slate has a very interesting "Human Nature" column that deals with sciencey stuff. Yes that's a technical term.

Anyway, a recent column pointed out something that I had suspected for years.

Female promiscuity gives males big testes and small brains. In bat species noted for female monogamy, males have small testes and big brains; in bat species noted for female promiscuity, males have testicles five times as big, but with smaller brains.

So here's another reason to not impersonate Paris Hilton. And according to you ladies we're already not the brightest people ... so stop being ho-y and we'll start smartening right up.

Ya know, you'd think the males with the bigger brains would figure out a way to entice the females ... but I guess the female species is only after one thing. Typical.


Ryan said...

*runs off to measure testicles*

0000 said...

"Bumblebee Tuna! Bumblebee Tuna. Um, exuse me sir? your balls are showing. Bumblebee Tuna!"

-Ace Ventura

sage said...

Interesting thought...

I posted another book review (do you have a place to collect these). Book: Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry.