Thursday, March 09, 2006

Phone Home!

They may have found liquid water on one of Saturn's moon. The moon in question is Enceladus and it seems the spacecraft Cassini has pics of a plume of ice and vapor emanating from underneath the moon's surface. The sciencey people think that means liquid water is underneath the surface and pressure is causing this plume.

This means there might be some form of life on the moon.

I think it means aliens. But not the scary type in movies that kill humans. I bet it's a dolphin-like race that likes to bake cookies.

Anyway, for those that are interested check out these news reports:


0000 said...

Wow, thats really cool! I think we should automatically assume any living organisms are violent and go on the attack!

Marcia said...

dolphins that bake cookies? Can I have one as a pet??

Ryan said...

Which is the one with the Ewoks?

Don't they also think one of Jupiter's moons could have life? Perhaps a strange race of humanoids that all look like Alan Alda and communicate through interpretive dance.