Monday, March 27, 2006

TV Rec

When I was in high school I fell in love with a charming, good looking, touching, and at times insightful ensemble medical drama entitled "ER". It's been years since I've seen an episode of the show but I fondly recall watching it religiously as a teenager. Back then the tinge of soap opera mixed in with intense medical action was the perfect combination to turn me into an addict (though as a tv-holic that wasn't that hard to do). And even though today it takes a great deal of genuine emotion and sharp insight to make me bother with anything dramatic on the screen, I do remember certain episodes which I would rate high in both categories, even today.

Anyway, you're probably wondering why all the wax nostalgia for "ER". Well, I'll tell you why. Yesterday while making my 10pm bedtime I began flipping channels. With nothing much on I decided to check out what all the fuss is about and stopped the clicker on "Grey's Anatomy". While I'm not a Grey-Head, I will definitely check out future episodes. I must say the show is very enjoyable and reminds me a good deal of the first few seasons of "ER". I'm not sure the Dempsey is the next Clooney but the Pompeo sure is a hottie, maybe she's the next Clooney. I still enjoy the drama and action focusing on medicine over the portion of the show that deals with the (at times cliched) feminine navel-gazing and the "he likes me/he likes me not" in-depth discourse. I understand this criticism is a bit male biased and I'm no doubt jumping to conclusions after watching only a single episode. However I'll be sure to keep this in mind when viewing future episodes and I'll no doubt eat crow if my criticisms are off the mark. And please don't get me wrong, all in all "Grey's Anatomy" is a pleasing, engrossing drama and I look forward to the next episode.

I don't watch many dramas. Before I stumbled upon "Grey's Anatomy" my tv drama rotation consisted of Law and Order: CI and the original Law and Order from time to time. One drama I want to check out is "The Unit" ... unfortunately I haven't been able to check it out because one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time is airing in the same time slot. I'm talking about "Sons and Daughters" a simply hilarious semi-improvised situation comedy that's funny and sharp and warm and biting and even more. Seriously folks, if you haven't checked out this show I implore you to give it a shot. I am so enamored with this show that it isn't even funny ... well it is but only because the show is HIGH-larious. Anyway, if you've never heard of this show you are truly missing out. Watch it people!


0000 said...

Ahhhhh Sons and Daughters is one funny, funny show. w00t.

Virenda said...

I am sad to say I haven't seen any of the shows you listed. I'm NOT a huge TV watcher although I LOVE TLC, Discovery and LOST, oh and American Idol. Other than about 4 shows though, I don't watch TV. I'm always online or reading.

yll said...

I want to check out S&D too. I think it's just the type of inappropriate humor I love. I think it's prob like "Arrested Development" was, n'est pas?

I recently got into Grey's Anat; though I have to tape it cause it's on past my bedtime (I'm an ooole lady).

v said...

Yeah, S&D is great. Yesterday's eps were as hilarious as ever. I cannot say enough good things about it.