Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We still don't know his first name.

Of course I'm talking about the mysterious (though a little less so now) Mr. Bennet from the show HEROES. If you have Monday nights at 9pm open, you may want to check out NBC's engaging and entertaining new drama.

I've posted about HEROES before and I've thought of it as a pleasant surprise with great potential. But, for me, last night's extraordinary episode has unveiled that potential. It was simply an all-around great episode in which a decent amount of backstory was uncovered, while nicely setting up new plotlines. I still think the cast may be a little bit more pretty than skilled, at times, but last night's episode was full of acting prowess, perhaps helped by such sharp writing. The comic book storyline has been smoothly building, sprinkled with great twists and surprise characters. Last night's episode did not disappoint, and, true to form, ended in a juicy cliffhanger that will keep us engaged for the coming episodes.

For those of you who haven't seen an episode this season, it is of course best to wait for the DVDs this summer and catch the whole season in sequence. For those of us following this solid drama, are you also pleasantly surprised at just how good this show is getting?


M-M-M-Mishy said...

I'm going to have to DVD this when it comes out. Everyone is talking about how great Heroes is.

Diane said...

I'll have to do DVD too - the only new show I watch is 30 Rock - and I'm diggin' downloading shows from iTunes - 1.99 = no commercials!

v - the 30 Rock episode "black tie" with Paul Ruebens as Prince Gerhardt is one of the funniest things I have seen in ages!

Ryan said...

I have not watched Heros- I guess i will have to rent it on DVD.

PixieGaf said...

I love this show!