Friday, October 06, 2006

Portrait of a Hairy Belly (part I)

I'm not exactly sure why I'm doing this. Clearly I want attention. But I still think that if I document my failure to remain in shape along with my arduous and disciplined (I want it to sound harsher than it really is) journey to get back in shape, that it will help someone else gauge what kind of results are possible and what will result if they stop working out. And, at the least, the world will be able to view my glorious hairy belly.

This post starts in February of this year. After about 3 months of working out consistently and watching what I ate, my body looked like this:

I understand it's nothing special but I was particularly pleased with the flat belly. As you may be able to tell, I was so pleased I used some hair remover, lol.

Anyway, sometime in March or April I slowly regressed in my exercising habits and completely stopped working out soon after. There are several reasons for this. School was taking a little more time than usual and there are other factors I really don't want to talk about. After 4+ months of no exercise whatsoever and not really caring about what type of food I would put in my belly, I lost some muscle and gained some fat. This is my body on August 31, about 5 weeks ago:

There it is folks. The legendary hairy belly. As you can see the hair removal was temporary, lol. I must admit, the hairy belly does have a certain charm. If you look deeply, it has a mesmerizing effect.

Anyway, on August 31 I decided I'd have to raise the rent on my abdomen and kick this freeloading hairy belly goodbye. In part 2 I will document the change that has occurred over the last 5 weeks. I'm not exercising as intensely as I did leading up to the first photograph, but I am working out and it is on a regular basis.


Diane said...

First of all, it's not like the not exercising photo is bad, but the exercising photo is very nice! I can totally relate - Last August (2005) I started working out with a trainer, and also shaped up a bit. The last few months I have been neglecting the gym, and I am trying to get back in there - so thanks for the inspiration, and I look forward to
the in 5 weeks photo

sage said...

I'm going to have to send Murf over here as she's given me much grief over my topless photo. I won't give you grief about that 'cause I spent the afternoon watching baseball. Sorry about your Yankees, but we're proud of the Tigers!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Well, V. I will say that you definitely weren't lying about the hairy tummy part. Good luck on the getting back in shape thing. If I had any motovation, I'd be doing the same thing. Damn, I'm a lazy bastard.

P.S. Personally, I'm a sucker for a fuzzy chest.

P.P.S. We're bloggers. Aren't well all wanting attention? :)

Anonymous said...

You look very nice V, I must admit, its not a bad look at all. Maybe its the angle, but I don't see much of a belly in the 2nd picture. BUT, if you had a hairy back, I'd go all J-Lo on you and insist on back hair removal *muttering* don't like dem back hairs

I'm guessing, Italian or Greek extraction? LOL

PixieGaf said...

Nice pictures V. But I have to agree with Ffluer a hairy back is a turn-off for most girls.