Thursday, November 09, 2006

This Dawn Commercial

I have no idea if Dawn is really into the environment or if this is a PR stunt.

But now I want to bathe and clean a penguin.

And I know what you're thinking. That only girly girls and girly gays want to bathe and clean penguins. Clearly this is a stereotype and you should be ashamed of yourself. Furthermore, I think these penguins found themselves in some unhealthy chemicals so my wanting to bathe and clean them is purely motivated by environmental concerns. And ubermore, a lot of manly, virile (which, NOT coincidentally, is how my name is pronounced) men like to wash cute, cuddly animals. I'm sure many of you are familiar with the stories of Steve McQueen shampooing sea otters.

Speaking of sea otters and penguins, the super, amazing, brilliant Monterey Bay Aquarium has webcams of each (as well as other things). They're live from 7am to 7pm PST, but you can watch pre-recorded snippets in the off hours.


Diane said...

Dude - hopefully I'll be meeting a friend for a beer on Saturday in town from Seattle who works for the National Wildlife Federation . . . he's one of the coolest guys I know, and manly too . . . frankly, nothing is more of a turn off to me than an oaf who is unkind to animals and an ass about the environment, so don't be apologizing for wanting to help out penguins caught in an oil spill . . . besides - think of all the hot tree hugger chicks you'd meet there :-)

Marcia said...

I totally want to hug and clean penguins.

Princess in Galoshes said...

I'm all about the penguins.

I'm also all about the pandas on pandacam:

Happy procrastinating!

Diane said...

princess - check out the new cub at Zoo Atlanta!

Jay said...

I'm proud to say that I have both huggged and cleaned penguins (yes, I actually did use Dawn), and I am only a tiny bit gay.

Diane said...

p.s. cool link to the Aquarium . . .

Prunella Jones said...

Wanting to bath and clean penguins doesn't sound gay to me. But if you start squeezing their anal glands....well, yeah that's gay all right. (Just teasing, you sound like a cool dude)

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Awww... my cold heart and cynical disposition melted away.

That is one cool aquarium.

sage said...

What do you mean, washing penguins not being manly. I have a hunch that having a penguin as a pet would be a great way to pick up chics? A penguin would beat a dog in such competition!