Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Pet Corner

Mucho thanks to Ryan and Leigh for their pet links. Speaking of which I was on looking at the far too many dog breeds when I came across this:

This ladies and gents is called a French Bulldog. This little guy is beyond cute but I always find these cutesy breeds a little strange. I think that's because I always think some mad scientist was behind the breeding and this dog was at one time the tinkerbell of the late 1800s.

Anyway, while these purebreds sure do look nice I think I would go with a mixed-bred from an animal shelter since those animals desperately need homes.

So this ends Pet Corner.


Jay said...

Definitely adopt! And make Bob Barker proud by spaying and neutering everything you come in contact with!

Marcia said...

Matt and I want a dog so badly... but our apartment in St. Louis is not at all suited for a dog, and while it would be great to have one next year in Akron, it would suck to have one in Manhattan. Have you seen the Puggle (pug/beagle mix)? They're fucking cute... and yes, that fucking was necessary.

0000 said...

Post a pic when you get your pup!

Leigh said...

Adoption is the way to go! T & I got lucky--Bella, our pure bred Great Dane, was on her way to the shelter when we grabbed her.

Save a pup today--the unconditional love is well worth it! (Cheesy but true!)

Ryan said...

Oh god that thing is so cute my teeth fell out!

Adopting is great, just don't believe a word they tell you. We adopted one dog and was told he would stayreally small, turns out he was part German shepherd, got massive and would knock my baby brother voer with his tail.