Thursday, August 31, 2006

Blog Out! Short Film Edition

The other day I caught these two short films on PBS. They are heavy on CGI and show how a handful of skilled digital craftspeople can produce something polished, exciting, and very impressive. The first, titled "PREY ALONE", is 15 minutes long and was completed in 2005. There's not much plot to this virtuoso car chase, but there's more breathtaking action in the short's 15 minutes than many Hollywood Studio movies. The second is the infamously titled "405". The 405 is perhaps the busiest highway in Southern California; trust me, you haven't witnessed traffic until you traverse the 405 at rush hour. Anyway, "405" (which was made all the way back in 2000) is a 5 minute short displaying a jumbo jet making an impromptu landing on the 405 highway. The highway has been evacuated except for two innocent bystanders. It's a funny short with incredible CGI skills on display.

Both are available online. So if you have time to spare, check them out:

PREY ALONE (highly recommended)
405 - The Movie

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