Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I have discovered ...

The greatest television show in the world! It is ... "House MD" ... lol. Okay it's not the greatest, that title belongs to "The X-Files" (let's not argue people), but it is still pretty damn good. It's a refreshing, different take on a medical drama (especially when compared to ER, Chicago Hope, Grey's Anatomy, etc); the medical mystery makes for an intriguing plot. And I must admit the smarmy, arrogant, caustic Gregory House character (as played by the wonderful Hugh Laurie) makes for a very dynamic, always interesting show. I've only seen a handful of reruns on the USA network, but I am hooked and hopefully I can catch the previous seasons this way. Anyway, if any of you out are curious about "House MD" but have yet to view an episode, do yourself a favor and catch the next viewing ... you'll definitely enjoy it.


Jay said...

Any guy who's hopped up on Vicodin all the time but is still an asshole wins points with me. You've got to have some major angst brewing to pull that shit off.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Hugh Laurie is one sexy mo-fo. I own the first season, and am totally going to get #2. Seriously, try to catch as many as you can, because they are all awesome!

P.S. The one with the exploding penis is my favourite episode.

yll said...

Everyone I know who's seen that show loves it. I'm not watching it since I have such an easily addictable personality.

Marcia said...

I love that show. You score points with me by liking it.